You know when you feel like that? Like the present is unpleasant, and the past is all you desire? Maybe you're not longing for the past.. but I sure am. I'm nostalgic.
You see, everyone who has ever been close to me, best friend wise.. they've all left. In their own ways. And.. I'm now stuck in a school where.. nothing feels..well, basically I don't feel like I fit in everywhere. Everyone's got their own tiny little niche groups.. and I'm just.. there. Alone.
Which brings me to Peyton Sawyer's beliefs in One Tree Hill. People always leave. And it's true. In the end, its only you. You're alone.
I wish that they'd come back. That things were the way they used to be. Where everything felt good, I felt confident, and there'd always be a shoulder to cry on. Now, it's like if I have a bad day, certain things will only add to the fuel of my loneliness.
And you know, I probably sound like the most emotional kid around. I guess we all have our days, right? Today, mine was (excuse the language) really shitty. And the people who could've helped me through that.. they're not there anymore.
Everything's lost.
I could sum up this post and say everythings going to be okay, but no ones telling me that. And I can't do it alone.
I don't even know if everything will be okay..
I'm lost..
And I just don't know what to do anymore..
I can only wish..
Tee x
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