Sunday, July 5, 2009

Review: Year ONe

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Rotten Tomatoes: 18%
IMDB: 5.1/10
My rating: 0.5/10

This movie SUCKED! So much so that I walked out of the cinema in the first 15 minutes and went in to watch Transformers 2 again.

I'd been thinking that Rotten Tomatoes rates all the movies I love with a low rating.. Always low.. So I'd been thinking that I love whatever Rotten Tomatoes rates low.. but not this time!

Year One.. it failed to impress anyone in the cinema. No one laughed when the movie wanted us to. It was silent. You could hear crickets chirping in the background. No not really.

I was disappointed. The trailer looked good. The movie just sucked. Worst movie ever possibly. Jack Black.. I can't believe you did this .. =(