Rotten Tomatoes:
ME: 3/10
One word that will sum up this movie: disappointment.
I was so eager to see this, as I'd seen Borat already and was dying to see how this one turned out. You see, Borat was actually an OKAY movie. It had its funny bits, its so disgusting but hilarious scenes, and more interesting plots and stories... Bruno - none of these. Instead it had itss semi-funny parts, its COMPLETELY DIGUSTING AND GRAPHIC SCENES, and disinteresting scenes and plots... BORING.
I'm sorry Sascha Baron Cohen but you really disappointed me with this one. Okay so its a MOCKumentary.. but it really paid out Gays, Jews, Christians and a whole heap more. It was really offensive in some parts, and just.. not good at all. At least Borat was slightly offensive..
It's not even worth seeing, I say. Lucky it was only 80 minutes long.
- Fashion scene in the beginning : the velcroe outfit. - LOL
- The ADORABLE BABY! Oh my goodness, I want to steal him! He's gorgeous!
- The Bruno walk.
- Racism
- Prejudiced
- Offensive
- Way too graphic, which wasnt needed. It was absolutely disgusting
- And a whole heap more
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