Monday, April 20, 2009

Inspiration, P.Sawyer

I don't know. Maybe I'm freaking out because I've got a dentist's appointment tomorrow morning.. But I've suddenly become in love with alternative rock/indie music. The kind of music I never really had a heart for. I'm now into punk as well. Bt not anything like hard rock or emo screamo or anything.

It's all thanks to the character, Peyton Sawyer from One Tree Hill. Her uniqueness radiates from her personality, characteristics to her beautiful art and love for music. She inspires me so much. She's one of my favourites on that show. I also LOVE Brooke. She's an absolute crack up. And the best couple? That would be Nathen and Haley =) They're cute.

I'm going to completely decorate my room, someday soon. I'm going to put my head more into art. I know I have a passion for it, it's just i stopped once I just went blank. i mean, I'd have the idea in my head and everything would seem to go right. But then I could never bring it on paper. Never would it be right. So i sort of stopped with the whole art thing. Except for Art Class at school, which turned into a frustration class.. since nothing for me goes right. But I'm going to get to love art again... soon.

Here's a few photographs of Peyton Sawyer's art. She expresses what she feels, her thoughts.. the happenings in her life.. That's the beauty of art. You're able to create something to meaningful and beautiful to the eye.. =]

ppl always leave Pictures, Images and Photos peyton sawyer. Pictures, Images and Photos

peyton sawyer Pictures, Images and Photos

And a few quotes

"Imagine a future moment in your life where all your dreams come true. You know it's the greatest moment in your life and you get to experience it with one person. Who's standing next to you?" - Peyton Sawyer

peyton sawyer quote Pictures, Images and Photos

Peyton Sawyer Pictures, Images and Photos Peyton Sawyer Pictures, Images and Photos Peyton Sawyer Pictures, Images and Photos

1 commentsInspiration, P.Sawyer

  1. MenaRose says:

    Hey, i don't know if you'll read this, or if you'll be interested in this comment but i found your blog on google and i liked it.
    I adore P. Sawyer also, she inspired me so much and her art is breathtaking. The truth behind her charakter makes me feel ok, i lerned from her that it's ok to love art, love music, fight for our own opinion and to never ever give up. That what she means to me, as a symbol. I mean your blog is one year ago, have you changed something? Do you love art, again?

    Mena Rose

    April 10, 2010 at 8:26 AM